Practicing the Via Ferrata in the Hautes-Alpes, around Briançon, Guillestre, Embrun

3 amazing sites!


3 Levels – 3 Courses

Optional zipline

AGE > 6
180 min

Practice Via Ferrata in a fun and friendly atmosphere:

We want this outdoor activity to be as exceptional as possible so we have specially selected the 3 most beautiful via ferrata courses in the Hautes-Alpes

  • The Via ferrata of the Durance Gorges: Levels 1, 2 and 3 accessible from 6 years old
  • The Via ferrata of the Ailefroide Gorges in Pelvoux: Level 2 blue accessible from 8 years old
  • The Via ferrata of the Ailefroide Gorges in Pelvoux: Level 3 red accessible from 10 years old

During this activity, you will be accompanied by an experienced and qualified instructor (graduated), who will provide education and security.


You will be equipped with a harness equipped with lanyards equipped with a fall absorber, a helmet and according to the routes of a descender and a pulley. The monitor will provide the so-called “collective” equipment (rope, intervention equipment, pharmacy and water). All you have to do is enjoy this exceptional course which reserves you incredible sensations. Via Ferrata activity in Serre Chevalier is practiced in so-called “mountain” zone, so it is sensitive to weather phenomena (thunderstorm, strong wind, heat), the output can be postponed or canceled if the weather conditions are not favorable.

Thrills in the High-Alps:

You will be confronted with a universe usually reserved for climbers. You will be able to discover the sumptuous points of view which offers us the valley of Serre Chevalier. You will be led to surpass yourself by testing your aptitude against emptiness. But do not worry, our via-ferrata are within the reach of all and can be adaptable according to your level and your apprehensions.

Ranging from easy to very difficult, they can even be practiced over water. You will thus have access, without prior experience, to the pleasures of verticality!

“Our goal is to offer you an outdoor activity in the High-Alps playful, friendly and rich in sensations at the same time. The professional coaching ensures maximum security to allow you to fully enjoy this day.“

What exactly is Via Ferrata ?

The Via Ferrata, literally meaning “railroad”, is a route that is halfway between climbing and hiking.
Halfway between hiking and climbing, the Via Ferrata will make you feel like a mountaineer.
You will gain height and enjoy a breathtaking view of the valley of Serre Chevalier. You will have to climb to the summit by crossing ladders, monkey bridges and Nepalese bridges.

Unlike traditional climbing routes, these sporty routes are equipped with a cable (lifeline) and many specific metal elements: bars, rungs, bridges, zip lines, monkey bridge … This equipment, permanently sealed in the rock , allows to progress along the cliff.

Sensation for Everybody !

Halfway between hiking and climbing, the Via Ferrata gives you the feeling of being an authentic mountaineer. You take the height and enjoy a breathtaking view of the valley of Serre Chevalier. You will have to climb to the summit by crossing ladders, monkey bridges and Nepalese bridges.

The Via Ferrata is an activity that allows you to walk in beautiful mountain landscapes with the help of bars to enjoy an incredible view once arrived at the top.

Selection of the best Canyoning courses

"At least 30 via ferrata routes are accessible around Briançon and Serre Chevalier but the most beautiful of the High-Alps is probably the ones we offer! A very playful course above turquoise water"

Benjamin, your Via Ferrata, canyoning instructor.
There is no better place to practice Via Ferrata and this is not only due to the exceptional climate of the High-Alps. It is also around Briançon that you can find the most Via Ferrata beautiful spots in France.

It must be said that Briançon is particularly well located. Surrounded by the Ecrins mountain range, the Vanoise national park and the Queyras regional park, this small town in the High-Alps is the ideal place to practice various outdoor activities including Via Ferrata.

How does the Via Ferrata outing with Serre Chevalier Sensation work?

Our team is waiting for you to make you live a unique canyoning experience in Hautes-Alpes. Vous serez guidé par un moniteur diplômé sur l’un de nos parcours via ferrata à Briançon.

Do not forget:

  • A pair of basketball or hiking shoes
  • a bottle of water and a small snack once the Via Ferrata is over

Our commitments on VIa Ferrata

The equipment

The equipment that will be provided to you is in excellent condition for both your safety and your comfort.

The courses

The Via Ferrata courses that we offer in the Serre Chevalier valley are the wildest, the most beautiful in the High-Alps region. The Serre Chevalier Sensation team oversees each Via Ferrata outing with the utmost professionalism while adding a touch of good humour. Each participant can enjoy the Via Ferrata course without feeling uncomfortable.

The support

With different levels of difficulty, you will inevitably find the course adapted to your desires and your physical condition. Our instructors are the most qualified and specially trained to supervise you during the practice of Via Ferrata. Graduated, they will accompany you safely in the various routes Via Ferrata in the department of Hautes-Alpes.

The history of Via Ferrata

Born in the Dolomites during the First World War, the Via Ferrata were first reserved for the transportation of men and artillery. Today, they enable hikers to discover a ground where climbers evolve. A new kind of activity in the mountains that has, over time, found its place between hiking and climbing. In France, the history of the Via Ferrata goes back to 1988.

In the 1990’s the practice became widely popularized in France and Switzerland. In particular, some winter sports resorts looking for new outlets in the summer season have developed sports tourism by creating routes that favor passing on suspension brdiges and steep walls.


Photos of your outing

datesortiematin / aprèmmoniteurlien
19/07/24via duranvcematinBenphotos
23/07/24Via ailefroideMatinBenAilefroide